Guide to Salary Sacrifice car scheme


What is Salary Sacrifice ?

In the UK the salary sacrifice car scheme (also known as a salary exchange) is an arrangement that employers may make available to employees, where part of employees’ pre-tax salary before tax is exchanged for other benefits, usually non-cash items.

The great thing about Salary sacrifice is that it’s non taxable !

Not only will it lower the employees Income Tax, but it also reduces their National Insurance contributions. And the best part is that Employees don’t need to claim for any tax relief from HMRC, as the savings are made immediately

The agreed amount can be taken from the employee’s monthly gross salary before tax and national insurance contributions are calculated. Since the salary sacrifice isn’t taxable, both the employer and the employee will save money on the payments.


Benefits for the Employee

  • Fully maintained vehicle package: Servicing, maintenance, insurance, road tax, roadside breakdown and recovery are all included
  • Cheaper than a personal lease: There is no requirement for a deposit
  • Lower fuel costs: Electric charging decreases fuel costs, especially when charged at home
  • Reduced tax & NI: Taxable salary is lower due to the vehicle fixed amount of cost coming directly from the gross salary
  • Have access to large fleet discounts: Through your employer / ecofleet plus possible VAT savings
  • The Salary sacrificed sum is taken pre-taxation :
  • The fully comprehensive motor insurance : can be included via the employer for the contract period
  • No impact on credit score: The contract is with the employer so there is no need for a credit check

It is important to clarify that a salary sacrifice car is still eligible for a company car tax, known as a benefit in kind. This additional tax is charged monthly based on the value of the car, its CO2 emissions and your tax bracket.

Once the employee and employer agree to a salary sacrifice car scheme you are locked in for the duration of the contract, unless the employee leaves your job at which point the employee will have to give the car back.


Benefits for the Employer

  • Greener fleet: Increases carbon neutral vehicles on fleet and supports the environmental, social and governance (ESG) agenda
  • Duty of care: Encourages employees into brand new, fully maintained cars instead of using their vehicles for business (known as grey fleet)
  • Lower fuel costs: Electric charging is significantly cheaper than diesel or petrol [3]
  • Attractive employee benefit: Having a flexible benefits package which includes salary sacrifice schemes can help employers retain talent. Valuable employee recruitment and retention tool
  • Cost Savings: Employers can save money through salary sacrifice because employees get a portion of their pay as non-taxable benefits rather than as taxable income. This means that companies who offer these schemes benefit from reduced payroll tax and national insurance contributions
  • No set-up costs: Salary sacrifice is free of charge to put in place


Salary sacrifice schemes are a really cost-effective way for companies to offer their employees great benefits. Depending on the particular scheme, employees benefit from tax savings, better benefits and improved wellbeing! Employers also benefit from more motivated and happier employees as well as tax breaks. Therefore, salary sacrifice schemes are definitely worth considering if you’re considering an upgrade to your benefits package or company car policy.We can assist on both company car policies and Salary Sacrifice. I would be delighted to hear from you For an informal chat. Please feel free to contact me

We would love to discuss your requirements and help you understand where the greatest savings lie for your business and your staff. We can help you set up the rules of your scheme. For further information please contact us.

Salary Sacrifice FAQ’s

How is the level of salary sacrifice set?

Strictly speaking, there isn’t a specific limit to how much employees are allowed to sacrifice each year. However, there are certain legalities around specific benefits and contributions.
For example, in the UK, an employee can only legally contribute up to £40,000 per year max towards their pension savings (as of 2019). Plus, it’s also important that employees ensure they’re still making above the national minimum wage after accounting for deductions from various salary sacrifice schemes.

Can the employer protect themselves in the event of a driver leaving the company?

We may be able to offer specific early termination deals for cars taken through salary sacrifice schemes. Also it may be possible to get recompense from employees who leave the company by their own choice, but this must be part of their employment contract including the salary sacrifice scheme conditions.

Can a salary sacrifice scheme work for any car?

Yes and No. Electric cars are a clear winner for most because of the minimal amount of company car tax applied. Petrol and diesel vehicles with very low emissions such as Plug-in Hybrids with sub 5 CO2 could also work.

Is salary sacrifice available to all employees?

Regardless of status or job role, our salary sacrifice scheme is available to all employees. The only requirement is that the individuals salary is at least national minimum wage after any deductions.

Who looks after the car?

In most cases we can provide the car on a fully maintained package including all servicing, tyres and VED. The driver will still have a duty to take care of the vehicle and need to follow any requirements laid down in their employment contract and car policy.

How is the level of salary sacrifice amount set?

The employer decides on the salary sacrifice amount. They will look at the costs of providing the vehicle, but it is entirely their decision which costs to take into account.

Can the driver make the arrangements directly with a leasing company?

There is nothing to stop an employee communicating with a finance company, but ultimately the vehicle will be provided as a company car in exchange for a lower salary

What is Benefit in Kind (BiK)?

Benefit in Kind, also known as BiK is a form of tax payable on any non-cash benefits that you provide for your employee. Currently, BiK is capped at 2% on electric vehicles until 2025, rising by only 1% until 2028.

Does the salary sacrifice reduce my pension

You do need to be aware of any benefits you receive that are based on a percentage of gross pay. Pension contributions can be based on “notional gross pay” which is your actual pay with any sacrifices made added back. But you should understand this and check each year

Can family members join the scheme?

No. However an employee can make multiple sacrifices for multiple cars provided their salary does not drop below minimum wage regulations.

Where can I find more information / guidance on setting up a salary sacrifice arrangement?

The answers to these questions may vary depending on your specific employment contract and your company’s policies. It’s advisable to consult with your employer’s HR department or a financial advisor for personalised information related to salary sacrifice in your particular situation.

Small Print

All information provided on this site is for guidance only. We recommend that you seek professional advice from your accountant and tax office before making any decisions. eco fleet uk Ltd  accepts no legal liability for the information given as it has been provided for illustration only. It is your responsibility to check the validity of this with the relevant authorities.

Are you interested in learning more about our Salary Sacrifice ? Contact us

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